File #: ORD-89:1174    Version: 1 Name: Annexation at Hwy 49 and Hwy 226
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
File created: 12/4/1989 In control: City Council
On agenda: Final action: 12/4/1989
Indexes: Annexation
Attachments: 1. Amendment to Petition, 2. Petition
Related files: MIN-89:549, MIN-89:1593




WHEREAS, a petition for the annexation of certain lands to the City of  Jonesboro, Arkansas, hereinafter described, was duly filed in the County Court of Craighead County, Arkansas, on October 26, 1989; and


WHEREAS, said petition for the annexation of said lands was duly signed by the sole owners of all of the acreage to be annexed to the City of Jonesboro, Arkansas:  and


WHEREAS, an order setting a  hearing upon said petition was entered, notice was duly published of said  hearing and a hearing upon said  petition was duly had and held in the County Court of Craighead County, Arkansas, on November 27, 1989, at which  hearing it was duly found and declared  that said petition for annexation was right and  proper and that such lands hereinafter  described should be annexed to the City of Jonesboro, Arkansas; whereupon  and order of annexation was made and  entered; and


WHEREAS, after thirty days has expired since the order of annexation dated November 27, 1989,  and provided no proceedings to prevent said annexation have been filed in the Circuit Court for the Jonesboro District of Craighead  County, Arkansas, said annexation proceedings will be in all things confirmed by the County Court of Craighead County, Arkansas, on December 28, 1989.


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED AND ENACTED by the City Council of the City of Jonesboro, Arkansas:    


SECTION 1: The territory an  lands annexed to the City of Jonesboro by order of the County  Court of Craighead County, Arkansas, by its order of November 27, 1989, be and  are hereby  accepted by the City of Jonesboro, Arkansas, and said territory hereinafter described  shall  be  hereafter deemed and taken to be a part and parcel of the limits of  the City of  Jonesboro, Arkansas, and the inhabitants residing therein shall have and enjoy all of the privileges of the inhabitants within the original limits of the City of Jonesboro, Arkansas.


SECTION 2: The lands and territory hereby annexed to and accepted by the City of Jonesboro, Arkansas are more particularly described as follows:


That part of the South Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 16 lying South and East of the Southerly right of was of the St. Louis and Southwestern Railroad; AND ALL that part of Section 21 lying South and East of the St. Louis and Southwestern Railroad; and the West Half of the Northeast Quarter, and the North Half of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter and the West Half of the Southeast Quarter, and the North Half of the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, and the West Half of the Southwest Quarter, and the Northwest Quarter, all in Section 28; AND the South 11.33 acres of the South Half of the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, and the South Half of the Southwest Quarter, and the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, and the North Half of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, and the West Half of the Northwest Quarter, and all that part of the East Half of the Northwest Quarter lying South and West of the Northerly right-of-way of Arkansas Highway 226, and that part of the West Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter lying North of the Northerly right-of-way of Arkansas Highway 226, and some 2.1 acres, more or less, lying North of Arkansas Highway 226   in the East Three Quarters  of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, all in Section 33, all in Township 14 North, Range 3 East of  the 5th Principal Meridian in Craighead County, Arkansas AND 


The West Half of Section 4 and all of the Southeast Quarter of Section 4 LESS AND EXCEPT the North 300 feet thereof; AND all that part of Section 9 lying North of a line 300 feet South of and parallel to the North line of said Section 9, all in Township 13 North, Range 3   East of the 5th Principal Meridian in Craighead County, Arkansas, all more particularly described as follows:


From the Northeast Corner of Section 21, Township 14 North, Range 3 East, the point of beginning; thence South along the East line  of Section 21, Township 14 North, Range 3 East to the Southeast Corner thereof, continue thence South along the East line of the North Half of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 28, Township 14 North, Range 3 East to the Southeast Corner thereof, thence West along the South line the North Half of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 28 to the Southeast Corner thereof, continue thence South along the East line of the West Half of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 28 to the Southeast Corner thereof, thence West along the South line of the West Half of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 28 to the Southwest corner thereof, thence North along the West line of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 28 to the Southwest Corner thereof, thence South along the East line of the West Half of the Northeast quarter of said Section 28, to the Southeast Corner thereof, continue thence South along the East line of the West Half of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 28 to the Southeast Corner thereof, Thence West along the South line of the West Half of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 28 to the Southwest corner thereof, thence North along the West line of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 28 to the Northwest Corner thereof, continue thence North along the West line of the South Half of the Northwest quarter of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 28 to the Northwest Corner thereof, thence West along the South line of the North Half of the Northeast quarter of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 28 to the Southwest Corner thereof, thence South along the East line of the West Half of the southwest Quarter of said Section 28 to the Southeast corner thereof, thence East along the North line of the West Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 33, Township 14 North, Range 3 East to the Northeast Corner thereof, continue thence East 15 feet to a point, thence South along a line 15 feet East of and parallel to the East line of the West Quarter of said Section 33 to a point on the Northerly right-of-way of Arkansas Highway 226, thence Southeasterly some 735 feet, more or less, along the Northerly right-of-way of Arkansas Highway 226 to a point, thence North 132 feet, more or less, to a point, thence East 302.6 feet to a point, thence South 342 feet, more  or  less,  to  a  point  on  the  Northerly  right-of-way  of  Arkansas  226,  thence Southeasterly some 95 feet, more or less, along said right-of-way to a point on the East line of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 33, thence South along the East line of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 33 to the Southeast Corner thereof, thence West along the South line of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 33 to the Southwest Corner thereof, thence South along the East line of the North Half of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 33 to the Southeast Corner thereof, thence West along the South line of the Northeast Quarter  of  the  Northwest  Quarter  of  the  Southwest  Quarter of  Section  33  to  the Southwest Corner thereof, thence South along the East line of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 33 to the Southeast corner thereof, thence East along the North line of the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 33 to the Northeast Corner thereof, thence North along the West line of the South 11.33 acres of the South Half of the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 33 to the Northwest Corner thereof, thence East along the North line of the South 11.33 acres of the South Half of the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 33 to the Southeast Corner thereof, thence South along the East line of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 33 to the Southeast Corner thereof, thence West some 83 feet, more or less, along the South line of the West Half of said Section 33 to the Northeast Corner of the Northwest Quarter of Section 4, Township 13 North, Range 3 East, thence South alone the East line of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 4 to the Southeast Corner thereof, continue thence South 300 feet to a point, thence East along a line 300 feet South of and parallel to the North line of the Southeast Quarter of said Section  4 to a point on the East line of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 4, thence South along the East line of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 4 to the Southeast corner thereof, continue thence South 300 feet along the East line of the Northeast Quarter of Section 9, Township 13 North, Range 3 East to a point, thence West alone a line 300 feet South of and parallel to the North line of said Section 9 to a point on the West line  thereof, thence North 300 feet to a Northwest Corner of said Section 9, continue thence North along the  West line of Section 4, Township 13 North, Range 3 East to the Northwest Corner thereof, thence East along the North line of said Section 4 some 83 feet, more or less, to the Southeast Corner of Section 33, Township 14 North, Range 3 East, thence North alone the West lien of said Section 33 to the Northwest Corner thereof, continue thence North  along  the  West  line  of  Section 28,  Township  14 North,  Range 3 East to the Northwest Corner thereof, continue thence North some 1,850 feet, more or less, along the West line of Section 21,, Township 14 North, Range 3 East to a point on the Easterly right-of-way of the St. Louis and Southwestern Railroad, thence Northeasterly along the Easterly right-of-way of said railroad to a point on the North line of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 21, continue thence Northeasterly along the Easterly right-of-way of said railroad to a point on the East line of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 16, Township North, Range 3 East, thence South some 480 feet, more or less, along the East line of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 16 to the Southeast Corner thereof, the point of beginning, containing some 1,770 acres, more or less.  


SECTION 3: The lands and territory annexed to the City of Jonesboro and hereby accepted by the City of Jonesboro are hereby assigned and attached to Ward 1 & 4 of the City of Jonesboro, Arkansas.


SECTION 4: Said lands and territory annexed to the City of Jonesboro are hereby zoned Agricultural (AG-1).


SECTION 5: It is hereby found and declared by the City Council of the City of Jonesboro, Arkansas, that there is now an extreme urgency that the territory herein be immediately annexed to and accepted by the City of Jonesboro, Arkansas, so that said property and the citizens and property owners of said territory described herein can be entitled to fire, police, zoning and other protection and benefits and that said benefits and protection are urgently needed now in order to allow orderly growth and development of said lands and territory.  Therefore, an emergency is declared to exist and this ordinance being necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety, it shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage.


PASSED AND ADOPTED this 4th day of December, 1989.